30 AWS Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

During the interview, they asked various questions based on Networking & Operating system followed by one DSA basic coding question. According to Indeed.com, a cloud engineer in the US makes $121,465 per year, on average. For more, check out our Career Center, which features more resources for your interview, along with resume, cover letter, networking, and portfolio advice. Users refer to the root user and IAM user accounts that govern who can access which information, with the root user having the most authority.

For the IAM users, I created a policy that required MFA for specific actions, such as accessing sensitive resources or performing administrative tasks. After attaching the policy to the appropriate user groups, I guided each user through the process of activating their virtual MFA devices using either Google Authenticator or another compatible application. Companies that make physical products are laser focused on their physical supply chain.

Please describe the layers used within a cloud computing architecture, similar to the one provide by AWS.

Many hiring managers have not been trained in interview techniques and will ask various types of questions at different times during the interview. This unstructured interview style may be distracting, so you need to stay flexible throughout the interview. As always, keep your answer to this question brief and to the point and anticipate a follow-up question or two.

10 common platform engineering interview questions – TechTarget

10 common platform engineering interview questions.

Posted: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This question helps the interviewer assess your knowledge of the AWS ecosystem and your ability to design and implement cloud-based solutions. Running a database on an EC2 instance requires manual configuration and maintenance, including tasks like managing backups, applying patches, and ensuring high availability. While this approach provides more control over the underlying infrastructure, it also demands additional time and resources to manage effectively. As an AWS how to become an aws cloud engineer Cloud Engineer, you’ll be responsible for ensuring the performance, security, and availability of AWS environments. Familiarity with monitoring and logging tools like CloudWatch and CloudTrail is essential to proactively detect issues, troubleshoot problems, and maintain the overall health of the cloud infrastructure. By asking this question, interviewers want to gauge your hands-on experience and ability to analyze and act upon the insights provided by these tools.

What characteristics does a cloud-native technology possess?

They allow you to define and enforce who can access specific services and resources. By asking this question, interviewers want to confirm your understanding of IAM roles, their significance in maintaining a secure AWS environment, and your ability to apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. They’re interested in your expertise in implementing best practices for access control and ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions on the resources in question. AWS cloud support engineer database interview questions in this round revolve around database management, cloud security, protocols, remote systems, and operating systems often featured in the online assessment.

Practice these top shell scripting questions to prepare for your next interview. The T2 instances are General Purpose instance types and are low in cost as well. They are usually used wherever workloads do not consistently or often use the CPU. No, standby instances are launched in different availability zones than the primary, resulting in physically separate infrastructures. This is because the entire purpose of standby instances is to prevent infrastructure failure.

What options exist for virtualization in the AWS cloud?

These tools are essential for creating, deploying, and managing applications in the cloud, and an understanding of their use in AWS environments is critical for ensuring that projects run smoothly and efficiently. By asking this question, interviewers want to assess your hands-on experience and your ability to successfully utilize these technologies to meet the demands of modern cloud infrastructure. This can turn out to be one of the most common AWS cloud support engineer interview questions asked by the interviewer.

aws cloud support engineer interview questions

So, before going on such interviews clear your doubts about the network, infrastructure, and other relevant topics. The world of cloud computing is vast and complex, and knowledge of AWS storage options is a key aspect of effective AWS engineering. This demonstrates your expertise and ability to effectively leverage AWS for the organization’s needs.

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